Chapter 1 Liquidity Risk(☆☆☆)
Chapter1和2 都是关于流动性风险基本概念,但是选自两个人的书籍,所以会出现相同的概念有不同的解释,我这边尽量就相关内容进行了合并梳理
1. 概念介绍
Solvency 偿付能力 vs liquidity
- Solvency: assets more than liabilities (equityis positive).【侧重长期】
- Liquidity: ability of a company to make cash payments as they become due.【侧重短期】
- Solvency 和 liquidity并不完全相同: $\blacktriangleleft$ 偿付能力良好的金融机构(即有正资产净值)也可能会因为流动性问题而破产。例如,后面介绍的北岩银行。
Transactions liquidity 交易流动性,a property of assets or markets
- Transaction liquidity is the property of an asset being easy to exchange for other assets.【,关注的是资产能不能及时足额的变现】
Funding liquidity,which is more closely related to credit-worthiness.
- Funding liquidity is the ability to finance assets continuously at an acceptable borrowing rate.【,关注的是 能不能及时足额的“借来钱”】
$\bullet$ 流动性风险分类:
Transaction liquidity risk 交易流动性风险
Funding liquidity risk 融资流动性风险
Systemic risk 系统性风险
- 系统性风险 refers to the risk of a general impairment of the financial system.【这种风险比较严重,整个金融体系出现了问题】
2. Transaction liquidity risk
Transaction liquidity risk,在原版书有些章节也写成liquidity trading risk
也叫market liquidity risk 市场流动风险
Transaction liquidity risk is the risk of moving the price of an asset adversely in the act of buying or selling it
- 交易流动性风险指在买卖资产时对其价格产生不利影响的风险。【想买买不到,想卖卖不掉】
- 在不大幅打折或者大幅提升价格时,就能够快速卖掉或者买到,这说明交易流动性风险小。An asset is said to be liquid ifit is "near" or a good substitute for cash . 【cash是流动性非常好的资产】
- An assetis said tohave aliquidity premium(流动性溢价)if its price is lower and expected return higher because itisn't perfectly liquid. 【投资 者投资一个流动性不好的资产,会要求一个补偿,所以所要求的return会高,那么对应的价格会低(风险大的东西,“不好”的东西,价格才会便宜)。这个补偿就叫做流动性溢价liquiditypremium】
Causes of Transactions Liquidity Risk
Transaction liquidity risk is ultimately due to the cost of searching for a counter party, to the market institutions that assist in search, and to the cost of inducing someone else to hold a position.【交易流动性风险主要来 自这些方面的成本:找到交易对手、使用中介服务以及提供交易激励的费用。这些成本会影响你能多快和多容易地完成交易,如果成本高或者交易困难,风险就会增加。】
Cost of trade processing.佣金
Inventory management bydealers.做市商的库存
- The role of dealers is to provide trade immediacy to other market participants, including other dealers, by holding long or short inventories of the asset.【,但需持有库存并承担价格风险,赚 bid ask spread】
Adverse selection
- Some traders may be better informed than others, thatis, better situated to forecast the equilibrium price.【交易对手信息不对称 导致的风险】
- Differences of opinion Investors generally disagree about the " correct" price of an asset【投资者对资产价格和信息解释的分歧,增加了寻找交易对手的难度。】
Characteristics of Market Liquidity
A standard set of characteristics of market liquidity, focusing primarily on asset liquidity, helps to understand the causes of il liquidity
- Tightness 紧度 refers to the cost of a round-trip transaction, and is typically measured by the bid-ask spread and brokers' commissions.【Tightness:一笔往返交易的成本,通常用bid ask spread 和经纪人的佣金来衡量】
- Depth 深度 Depth describe show large an order it takes to move the market adversely.【需要多大的订单才能对市场产生不利影响。Depth↑,流动性 ↑】
- Resiliency 弹性 is the length of time for which a lumpy order moves the market away from the equilibrium price.【 衡价格的时间长度。lumpy order大订单】
Lack of liquidity manifests itself in these observable:
- Bid-askspread 波动大
- Adverse price impact arises. 交易者自身活动对市场价格的影响
- Slippage arises the deterioration in the market price induced by the amount of time it takes to get a traded one.【缩量F跌】
用Bid-Offer Spread
BID Price:dealer 的买价,更低。‘“你”的卖价
OFFERPrice:dealer 的卖价,更高。“你”的买价
- OFFER Price 也 叫 ask price
- Bid-Offer Spread,有时也叫Bid-AskSpread
Bid-ask spread (dollar 形式): $\mathrm{p}=$ offer price-bid price【高减低】
Bid-askspread ( $%$ 形式): $\begin{array}{r}{S=\frac{\mathrm{offer,price-bit,price}}{\mathrm{mid,mark,price}}}\end{array}$
In normal market:
$$ \mathrm{Cost,of,liq u i d a t i o n=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\frac{1}{2}}\times(s_{i}\alpha_{i})} $$
In stressed market压力环境:
$$ \text{Cost of liquidation} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{2} \times (\mu_i + \lambda\sigma_i)\alpha_i $$
- N: the number of positions
- $\mathrm{\alpha}_{i}$ the dollar value of the position in the instrument
- 入:标准正态分布对应的关键值(单尾); $99%$ 置信水平, $\lambda{=}2.326$ $95%$ 置信水平, $\lambda{=}1.645$
- $\mathrm{\mu}_{i} $ :Bid-Offer Spread
- $\sigma_{\mathrm{i}}$ :Bid-Offer Spread
Cost of liquidation $\rightarrow$ 清算起来的成本越大 $\rightarrow$ 流动性风险越大
$\bullet$ Liquidity-adjusted VaR
【把市场风险和流动性风险结合在一起 $\rightarrow$ 经流动性调整的VaR。这个知识点在《市场风险测量与管理》Chapter6中提了一下】
In normal market:
$$ \mathrm{Liquidity}\mathrm{Adjusted VaR}=\mathrm{VaR}+\sum_{\mathrm{i}=1}^{\mathrm{n}}\frac{1}{2}\times\left(s_{\mathrm{i}}\alpha_{\mathrm{i}}\right) $$
In stressed market:
$$ \mathrm{Liquidity} \mathrm{Adjusted VaR}= VaR + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{2} \times (\mu_i + \lambda\sigma_i)\alpha_i $$
Spread Risk factor:
$\frac{1}{2} \times (\mu_i + \lambda\sigma_i)\alpha_i $
关于VaR $\rightarrow$ Adjusting VaR for liquidating
- 潜在假设: 不变;VaR 独立;均匀清仓
$$ \mathrm{VaR}\times{\sqrt{\frac{(1+\mathrm{T})\times(1+2\mathrm{T})}{6\mathrm{T}}}} $$
- T is the required for the orderly liquidation of a position. 【T 是清仓 所用的时间】
- Square root rule is overstating VaR for different time horizons
例如:if $\mathrm{T}{=}4$ , the adjustment for 0vernight VaR is 1.3693, which is less than 2.
拓展:在市场风险或者在一级学过Square root rule平方根法则
$$ \mathrm{VaR}{\mathrm{T-day}}=\sqrt{\mathrm{T}}\times\mathrm{VaR}{\mathrm{1-day}} $$
$$ \mathrm{VaR}\times{\sqrt{\frac{(1+\mathrm{T})\times(1+2\mathrm{T})}{6\mathrm{T}}}} $$
一个投资组合的1天 $95%$ 置信水平的VaR为100万元。假设该投资组合可以在4个交易日内逐步清算。
a. 如果用平方根法则来调整VaR, $\mathrm{VaR}_{4-\mathrm{day}}=\sqrt{4}\times100=200$ 。这
b. 实际上,头寸的清算是逐步进行的,每天面临的风险是逐步下降 的:
第二天,假设在第一天清算了1/4 的头寸。此时,剩下的头寸是原始头寸的3/4。由于已经清算掉的1/4头寸不再面临风险,剩下的头寸的风险会相应减少。
$$ \mathrm{VaR}\times\sqrt{\frac{(1+\mathrm{T})\times(1+2\mathrm{T})}{6\mathrm{T}}}{=100\times\sqrt{\frac{(1+4)\times(1+2\times4)}{6\times4}}} $$
3. Funding liquidity risk
【Funding liquidity risk,liquidity funding risk】
- Balance sheet risk.
- Funding liquidity risk, This is the financial institution's ability to meet its cash needs as they arise.【典型:挤兑。借不来钱】
- 资金流动性风险在借款人用短期负债资助长期资产时更高,这被称为成熟度不匹配。
- Holdings of cash and Treasury securities。流动性好,但是收益低
- The ability to liquidate trading book positions。【交易账簿 的资产,通常用于交易目的。可以用于筹集现金,但还取决市场的流动性】
- The ability to borrow money at short notice。在紧张市场条件下,银行可能面临更高的风险厌恶情绪,导致借款利率上升、贷款期限缩短或拒绝提供资金。
- The ability to offer favorable terms to attract retail and wholesale deposits at shortnotice在短时间内,以优惠条件吸引零售和批发存款的能力。
- The ability to securitize assets (such as loans) at short notice内将资产(如贷款)证券化
- Borrowing s from the central bank 从中央银行借款
Financial institutions that are solvent (i.e., have positive equity) and sometimes fail because of liquidity problems.【solvent良好,但因为流动性而出现了问题的金融机构】
Northern Rock
Ashanti Goldfields
AshantiGoldfields是西非的一家金矿公司,通过卖出黄金远期来对冲黄金价格下跌的风险。然而,15家欧洲央行宣布限制黄金销售,导致黄金供应减少,需求增加,黄金价格上涨超过 $25%$ ,触发了远期合约的保证金,导致公司面临重大损失。
Met all gesellschaft (MG)
Measuring Funding Liquidity Risk
【关于融资流动性风险的计量,原版书这里给出的方法是 Asset-Liability Management(资产负债管理),这里涉及的内容可能在其他的风险管理书籍里看的不太一样,和后面(chapter5)介绍的资产负债管理关注点也不太一样,这里比较简单,没关系,这里了解下就行】
- Asset-Liability Management[ALM)【针对银行】
- 【个人更倾向于把 Asset-Liability Management方法,而不是计量流动性的一种方法。】
- Tracking and forecasting available cash and sources of funding on the one hand, and cash needs on the other.【, 同时预测现金需求。】
- Keeping certain ratios of ready cash and readily marketable securities to meet unusual demands by depositors and other short-term lenders. 【维 持一定比例的现金和易于变现的证券以应对非常规的资金需求】
- 这种ALM的核心:预计好未来需要的流动性,留下一部分易于变现的资产,以应对未来的不时之需。
Funding Liquidity Management for Hedge Funds【针对对冲基金】【对冲基金易受流动性撤回的影响,需监控各种流动性来源】
- Cash provides unfettered liquidity
- Unpledged assets 未抵押资产(or assets "in the box" )are un encumbered assets not currently used as collateral.
- Unused borrowing capacity on pledged assets can be used to finance additional positions.【】
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
- LCR:优质性流动资产储备与未来30日的资金净流出量的比值,且该比值应大于等于 $100%$
- $\mathrm{LCR}=\frac{\mathrm{High-quality,liquid,assets}}{\mathrm{Net,cash,outflow,in,a,30-day,period}}\geq100%$
- High-quality liquid assets 优质流动性资产:HQ LA券、存款;企业债务和权益资产则有 $50%$ 的折扣。 $\checkmark$ Net cash outflows in a 30-day period 30
- 关注短期流动性问题
- 无折扣的HQLA包括政府证券存款;企业债务和权益资产则有 $50%$ 的折扣。
净稳定融资比率(net stable funding ratio, NFSR)
关注长期流动性问题可用的稳定资金(Amount of stable funding, ASF)
NFSR $=$ $\frac{可用的稳定资金 ASF}{所需的稳定资金 RSF}$ ≥100% 所需的稳定资金(Required Amount of stable funding,RSF)
- 例如: capital (ordinary shares), $100%$ ; stable deposits, $90%$ ;less stable deposits, $80%$ ..
- Examples: cash, $0%$ ; mortgages, $65%$ .
关于流动性风险管理的原则,BIS 提供了一个框架(17 principles),总结如下:
- 全面性: 溶盖了流动性风险管理的各个方面,包括建立风险容忍度、制定义值、监测风险暴露和流动性压力测试。
- 风险导向的方法: 强调了将流动性风险管理与银行的业务策略和风险容忍度一致的重要性。
- 积极监测: 银行要积极监测和控制流动性风险暴露,定期进行压力测试,并持有高质量的流动性资产。
- 应急计划: 制定正式的应急资金计划 (CFP),以应对突发情形下的流动性不足。包括措施、责任、启动程序,并定期测试以确保其有效性。
- 透明度: 定期公开其流动性风险管理框架和状况的信息。
- 监管者: 监管机构应该评估银行的流动性风险管理框架和状况,以确保其流动性压力具有抵御能力。在必要时,应采取行动。
- Liquidity black holes 流动性黑洞
有时也叫挤出 (crowded exit)
A liquidity black hole 流动性黑洞 describes a situation where liquidity has dried up in a particular market because everyone wants to sell and no one wants to buy, or vice versa.
Negative feedback traders
Negative feedback traders buy when prices fall and sell when prices rise. 【好现象,价格低-买;价格高-卖】
In liquid markets, negative feedback traders dominate the trading.
- 在负反馈交易者主导的市场中,价格在价格过低→交易者买入→对资产需求增加→资产价格上升,恢复到合理水平。
- 同样,当资产价格过高时→交易者会卖出→资产供应增加→价格下降,也使价格恢复到合理水平。
Positive feedback traders
Positive feedback traders sell when prices fall and buy when prices rise. 【坏现象,价格低-卖;价格高-买】
When positive feedback traders dominate the trading, market prices are liable to be unstable and the market may become one-sided and illiquid.
- 当正反馈交易者主导市场时,市场价格容易不稳定,市场变得单边,流动性不足。
- 资产价格下跌→卖出→进一步推出价格的下跌,更多的卖出。
- 资产价格上涨→购买→进一步推动了价格的上涨,更多的购买。
造成正反馈交易存在的原因: 【这些因素导致了市场的不稳定和流动性问题,从而引发流动性黑洞的出现。】
趋势交易 Trend trading: 在价格趋势上升时购买,在价格趋势下降时卖出。
止损规定 Stop-loss rules: 当资产价格下跌到一定水平时,会自动卖出来自限制损失。
动态对冲 Dynamic hedging:
- Short option hedging→positive feedback
- Long option hedging→negative feedback
合成期权 Creating options synthetically
保证金 Margins
操纵性交易 Predatory trading
类似于长周期资本管理公司(LTCM)的失效问题: short liquid bond and long illiquid bond